Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Social Networks (No, its not about the movie!)

Social Networks have truly changed the way we view the world today. Their importance in the fields of business, life and the pursuit of happiness cannot be questioned any longer. This blog will attempt to rate the top 30 social networking sites across the globe, in terms of their usability, ease of access, ability to network with others, presence, and many more factors. With these, I will attempt to show how social networks (and not just Facebook!) have truly connected people across the globe, making the Earth a much smaller place and in effect have changed the six degrees of separation to possibly just three. Considering the fact that it took man almost a million years to achieve six degrees of separation, the reduction to three in the last decade is truly remarkable.

I will start with number 30 and move up the ladder to rank 1 in this blog. Along the way, I will post my own experience with each site as well as testimonials from others and possibly interview experiences with executives from each site. I hope that as a reader/follower of this blog you would be able to appreciate the power of social networks. I will intersperse these rankings with other associated companies which are notable mentions (like Zynga for example) which are dependent highly on these sites and have become large businesses on their own as well.

Be on the lookout for the rankings!